Beginning Sunday, August 16, we will offer both online and in-person weekend services for Dream Teamers  and we welcome you to worship with us in the environment that you are most comfortable. We invite you to view the details below to learn more about what to expect when you arrive.

Your Service Schedule

August 30 |  Carrollton Location
• 9:00 am Dream Team Service
•  10:15 am Dream Team Rally

September 6 |  At Local Campus
• 9:00 am Dream Team Service
•  Dream Team Training with specific team


Are seating reservations required?
You will not need to reserve your seat. Seating will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Only every other row will be open, and we ask that you keep safe physical distancing by keeping three empty seats between each family unit or group.

What sanitization measures will be in place?
Our team will frequently disinfect surfaces throughout the building and we will sanitize the auditoriums between services. Hand sanitizers will be placed throughout the building. Coffee will not be available at this time. All seat-back materials, papers, and pens have been removed.

What about Covenant Kids and Legendary Youth services?
Our current plan is to begin providing Covenant Kids and Legendary Youth services at a later date. We’re taking additional steps to keep our kids environments safe (and fun) for your family, and more details will be coming soon.

Children are welcome to attend the service with you and encouraged to bring a tablet or mobile device with earbuds to watch their very own CovKids Online Experience. We will also have CovKids busy bags available at the worship center doors.

What about face coverings?
Wearing a face mask is strongly encourage to and from your seat. Please physical distance yourself and your family while inside the building. In order to help facilitate a safe environment to worship, our staff and Dream Team will be wearing face coverings as they serve.

Will coffee be available?
Not at this time.

What if I don't feel comfortable coming in person yet?
We completely understand, and we want you to feel comfortable. We invite you to worship with us online at covenantchurch.org at 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm.

If any of the following applies to you, please worship with us online:
• In the last 14 days you have tested positive, been experiencing symptoms, or have a known exposure to COVID-19.
• If you are in a “high-risk” group, or you care for someone who may be at “high-risk” for severe illness.


6:00am | Monday - Friday at Your Local Campus 

Prayer is our first response, not our last resort. We’re comforted and empowered knowing we serve a miracle-working God who is an ever-present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1). Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes and show you how to pray for those on the front lines, at high risk, and in great need.

40 Days of Prayer  is a time where we intentionally seek God every day in prayer as we believe for Him to move in powerful ways. We’d love for you to join us at your local campus in a season prayer.

We’d love to pray for you and your needs. Ask for prayer and our prayer team will pray for you specifically throughout the week.  In addition to our corporate prayer time, we invite you to text COVPRAY to 41411 to receive personal prayer.


We want to help your kids stay engaged in their relationship with God and excited about church.  Check out our CovKids Online Experience and be sure to follow us on Instagram @cov_kids
It is so important to stay relationally and spiritually connected. Our Small Groups are currently meeting online and we’d love to help you join a group today.


While we exercise wisdom in keeping ourselves and our loved ones safe, we know that divine health and protection is from Jesus. Let’s continue to trust in His promises of protection in Psalm 91 for ourselves, our families, and all those who are affected by illness and pray that the virus will be contained and conquered.

Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling. 
~Psalm 91:9–10