We are already on day 21! We have started this miraculous journey for 21 days already. On the one hand, it seems like so long ago when we began. On the other, it seems like yesterday. I feel a specific pattern for bringing this season to a fitting conclusion is in order.
I have found myself using a phrase more lately than I ever remember using. I’ve been describing my fresh feeling of focus that I needed. I can almost hear the music group, Survivor, singing, “It’s the eye of the tiger! It’s the thrill of the fight! Rising up to the challenge of our rival!â€
We are more prepared than ever for what God has for us. It is the greatest season the people of God have ever seen – and we are right in the middle of it! That brings me to the final admonition.
Think about our future!
Maybe earlier we would have shrunk back in fear, but not now. We are ready! There are only two original emotions: love and fear. Scripture says, “Perfect love casts out ALL fear!’ So, let’s fill ourselves with the love of God to such an extent, that we feel nothing but pure, unadulterated love for the future that God has prepared for us! And the good news is, the future is now. Let’s elevate together!
I look forward to seeing you this week for our new series at one of our Covenant locations.
I have enjoyed this journey together. We are all stronger than we’ve ever been! We are standing on His promises!