We are not required as believers to fast, however, the Bible tells us that it is good and profitable for us to do so.

We are so glad you have decided to participate in this time of fasting, prayer, and personal devotion. Fasting is abstaining from something for a spiritual purpose. You may choose to fast certain foods, media, social media, or simply, create more time in your day to read, pray and spend time with Jesus. We believe that God is going to move in you in a powerful way over the next 21-days.

Fasting helps you gain a new perspective and renews your reliance on Christ. When we take our eyes off the things of the world, we can focus on God more.
Fasting will help align your will with the will of God. Make your number one goal during the next three weeks to simply grow closer to Him.
Join us Monday - Friday at 6 am at each campus for an hour of prayer during the 21 days of fasting and prayer.